Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I'm Coming Out

Wisdom Bestows Well Being

Remember that time you were wrong about something but you just acted like you always believed otherwise?  Like, you’re all for Round-Up as a pesticide (glyphosate is the active chemical ingredient) to use safely around your home and children and on your food, and suddenly the CDC recognizes it (WHO too) as a carcinogen, worse than DDT …and now you swear it off like the plague, like you knew how terrible it was all along?  

We have all done it.  Thought one way about something - a bit unstudied on it perhaps - then someone brings our attention to an opposing view on it, and after some weighing and searching, we realize we were wrong about it…but in the mean time act like we knew all along?

Well I’m not going to pretend I always knew.  I have always been extremely anti towards "this thing" (thing will be revealed shortly).  But not now, and sooner rather than later this topic is all but going to burst forth from it’s stigmatized little bubble and enlighten us all on it’s health potential.  Even though I know there’s still a lot of controversy on the subject, I’m staking my claim now.  I was wrong, and there is really something to this. We’re going to talk about how wrong I was and why.

Don’t Know What You Don’t Know ’till You Know It

A couple of months ago, someone whose opinion I value, posted something on FB (talk about FB posts not changing people’s minds…they can and they do. I’m not saying about what yet, because we have to ease into this).  The fact that this level-headed normal person (in my book) posted something about this particular subject surprised me, and I clicked.  The article didn’t change my mind immediately, but it spurned my curiosity.  

Over the past few months now I have been looking more and more into this subject.  After having negative opinions about the subject for years, I am rather surprised at just how 180 I’ve gone.  Basically I am now a firm believer in it’s benefits and have come to the point where I can’t be silent about it anymore, because not to share is downright shameful (ie. being scared of the reputation related consequences), and there are too many people suffering due to not knowing.  If me saying this “out loud” will get a conversation started that could help a sick person get better…it’s worth it.

You see I have to preface this, because it comes with a stigma that is hard to see beyond, particularly if you aren’t familiar with the research that is now coming out on the topic.  Some are already well aware of what I’m going to say, and to you I say, “Be Louder!”  There are supporters on this topic - I am finding - that are in the closet about it because of the stereotyping that comes along with it.  Well, I just don’t care anymore, because it has too much good potential to be tight lipped about.

I even feel like I’m late to the game on this.  However, I know a lot of people who would think me quite radical to be saying what I’m about to say.  If what I say surprises you, and you aren’t there yet, I assure you - there is a wealth of information that if simply googled, may likely begin to change your mind on the topic.  Don’t take my word for it.  Go find out about it for yourself and draw your own well-researched conclusions.  

So here goes, I’m coming out

Cannabis is healthy! Very, very healthy.  

Let me preface with this: I’m not a stoner.  In fact, I haven’t touched the stuff since a few failed attempts in 11th grade.  But if I get sick, I assure you I will be finding a way to get my hands on CBD oil (a type of oil made from Cannabis), and juicing the plant for it’s healing benefits.  The potential for healing with this stuff is proving to be crazy!  If there becomes a legal way to take supplements in the future, like any medicinally useful plant, I will probably juice it, along with my turmeric, ginger & moringa.  Believe it or not, it can be consumed (without getting high!) a number of ways alongside a healthy lifestyle, clean diet & other raw food supplements for whole body wellness.  You guys…the evidence is mounting, in fact the mountain of positive health uses is getting as high as everest (pun intended).  It’s even made its way onto as a tumor shrinking & growth blocking treatment. I'm an interesting link too, check me out.

Washington, Alaska, Colorado, Oregon…these states are onto something.  It is a plant that God created, that has wildly positive elements for our body’s health that we’ve demonized into this slacker drug.  Sure, anything can be and is often used irresponsibly (alcohol, cheetos, antibiotics, name a few).  Anything can be abused in a manner that can harm yourself or others.  But lets think for a second…The side effects from cannabis are occasional disorientation and psychoactivity (usually only when heated, or using plants with a higher level of the THC component rather than the CBD component), but it’s a plant that actually heals your body, and it comes free, from a seed out of the earth.  No one has ever died from direct use or overdose on Cannabis in any of it's many forms.  No one.  As opposed to the other option: pharmaceuticals, that have dozens of small print, often very negative side effects (burning from the inside out, anyone?) also from which tens of thousands die from every year (alcohol use has a much higher death toll as well).  These drugs make a small elite very wealthy, and these drugs only treat symptoms - they don’t actually heal your body.  If you want a good moral absolutes shake up, check out this docu: The Culture High.

Say it with me: Illegal Plant.  Illegal Plant.  A plant that is illegal?  You can make a plant illegal?!  What if we found out rolling and smoking banana leaves had a relaxing, sometimes psychoactive effect, are we going to outlaw growing bananas? But bananas are so good for you!  Just because people *potentially* can misuse the leaves, we're going to nullify the benefits of bananas for everyone else?  The logic is ridiculous.

I’m not an expert and I’m not going to pretend I am.  It was only a few months ago I literally scoffed at the legalization of recreational cannabis use in some states.  But the tides have turned.  I'm for it.  A plant should not be illegal.  What can be illegal is irresponsible usage.  If someone needs or wants to use it for its insanely beneficial health properties...they definitely should be able to!  Or use it to calm their nerves, like a nice glass of wine would, perhaps they should be able to.  Or if they want to have it free - like grow it for themselves (gasp!), they should be able to - medical card or not - it grows like a weed after all.  Medical cards are just one more way to give your $$ to Uncle Sam - yay!  If it were legal, besides its health elements, over time the allure of it as a psycho active drug would fade.  It would be about as exciting as growing and juicing turmeric, or kava (powder from a root that creates a muscle relaxing drink).  Anyway, we'd put a plug in the drug cartel's MJ smuggling and free up some prison space for more serious criminals (and the prison issue...OMG just watch the documentary from above.  Mind. Blown.) 

So there you have it.  A mom that writes lullabies, believes in following Torah and is an advocate for responsible cannabis use all in one.  If  you don’t believe me yet about all this cannabis-goodness, get over your preconceived ideas about it and search it’s health benefits in google.  Search how it stops seizures.  Search how it has blocked, shrunk and diminished cancerous tumors in tons of people (along with a healthy diet & lifestyle).  Search how it’s used for alzheimers, asthma, swelling, brain injury, etc. etc. Search “health benefits of cannabis” or “CBD oil and cancer” or whatever you’re curious about.  You won’t find a lack of it.  If you already know all of this…wonderful.  Please share your knowledge.  If not, I hope I’m spurning your curiosity.


PS...The Culture High it's crazy good.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Spritz! After a Sunny Day Spray

I am skeptical of anyone who doesn’t love summer.  I get enjoying the winter cold, springtime flowers and colors of fall, but lying under a tree after a salty swim with the summer heat & breeze keeping you at the perfect temp all at once…it’s hard to beat.  Granted last summer I was 7-9 months pregnant and it was one of the hottest summers on record over here…so while a bit sweaty, it didn’t alter my outlook on the perfection of summertime.

Over the years of learning a great deal about our bodies, our health, our nutrition and the like, I have adjusted our sun exposure habits as necessary.  I’ve switched to using homemade sunscreens, am always on the lookout for a “stylish” sun hat for all family members (definitely a relative statement depending on your tastes), keep a rashguard on the keikis during the hottest hours of the day, and eat lots of watermelon!  Want to know a fun fact?  Watermelon and some other delicious fruits and veggies have SPF qualities.  So eat up!

Even with all the precautions, sometimes, we end up a little bit toasted.  Particularly because I fail to always reapply after swimming.  Surprisingly I’ve managed to keep my kids from getting super roasted, and while that could partially be due to their father’s skin genes (those Spanish olive tones that tan so dang perfect), on occasion we end up with pink noses & shoulders, and dried out tired skin.  When that happens I apply this sweet little tincture to give a soothing cool effect… and the healing properties of aloe and the Essential Oils don’t hurt!

Here’s the recipe:

2T distilled water
2T Raw Aloe Vera Gel (or Aloe Juice or gel if need)
1T Vitamin E oil
1T witch hazel
15 drops lavender
5 drops peppermint (leave this out if applying on baby)
5 drops tea tree
5 drops copaiba

1. Blend all ingredients well in blender
2. Pour into 4 oz sprayer (any unblended raw aloe will get stuck in the spray nozzle! make sure it’s blended into a non-chunky liquid). 

The vitamin E acts as a short-term preservative, so you can keep it out of the fridge for the duration of summer, but I prefer to keep it in the refrigerator as the temperature of the cold makes it that much more refreshing!
