Thursday, November 12, 2015

Steadfast & Fresh Laundry Detergent

I make laundry detergent.  Been doing it for a while now.  It's SUPER easy, pretty cheap and not bad for you like certain "other" detergents.  It takes about 15 minutes (or less, depending on your grating skills).  Nowadays I add my super oils for a preferred scent (although Fels Naphtha has a nice scent already), but it has always remained faithfully effective, time and time again.

It's a powder.  I tried to convert it to a liquid once - don't try this.  I didn't want to waste it, so I suffered through a batch of failure.  It did the job, but it was a nightmare to work with.  Save yourself the trouble - for real.  I will never try to convert my detergent again.  Liquid or powder, Christian or Jewish...  if detergents were religions, what would yours be?

...a late night thought.

Anyway, it was a bad day today, but I can say with enthusiasm that I DID make laundry detergent successfully, and that's 1 win at least.

-1 Fels Naptha Bar - grated
-2 Cups Borax
-2 Cups Super Washing Soda
-2 Tbsp Baking Soda
-20 drops Essential Oil of choice (I used 10 Purification, 10 Lemon - mm, mm fresh - Lavender is great too)

It looks like cheese!

1. Grate Fels Naptha bar
2. Add in other dry ingredients & mix
3. Add EOs of choice and mix again.
4. Store in glass container.
5. Use 1/8 cup per regular size load

***DO NOT store washing soda in a moist environment.  Once opened it will turn into CONCRETE if left in humid or moist area.  Then next time you try to make detergent you will be outside with your washing soda concrete block wrapped in a dish towel, hammering it into smaller pieces small enough to process into powder in your blender.  Just learn from my mistakes (I did this twice).  Just put the freshly opened powder in a labeled gallon ziplock in the first place.

Thanks for joining me on this journey today in finding the true path to DIY laundry detergent.  

  When in doubt, hide in the cupboards in your underwear, or diaper.

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