Before my first little bug was born I had this fabulous idea to record old traditional lullabies in a non-cheesy fashion. I also wanted a picture & lyric book to go along with it, but unfortunately no artists seemed up for the task - and I am not about to try my hand at that.
I’m sure it’s changed a bit since then, but the market for reasonably un-annoying lullabies on iTunes at the time was scarce. So I went for my idea it and finished it. Really fast actually. I set this wild goal of 1 song per week (recorded and mastered) and I was done in 20 weeks (I made two 10-song albums actually, but I’m only releasing one - for now)! Remember, this was before I had my kid (in fact a lot was probably done before I was even pregnant - baby fever I guess…). Now it takes me months to sit down and attempt to write half a song. The fact that this album was actually released yesterday and you're hearing about it today is evidence of motherhood. At least my motherhood.
Anyway, I waited and searched for an artist to make my lullaby book/album duo dream happen, and it never did. So EFF it I say! And now, over two years and two babies later, I am releasing an album that’s been a long time coming!
Tell your wives, tell your pregnant friends…because there’s a new lullaby album in town. I’ve tried it on my own littles, it seems to work. And I really aimed for the “not annoying” element. I have taken some artistic license and added some bright lyric themes to the mellow-dramatic songs (Rock-a-bye Baby, for example), and some fun a cappella harmonies, such as in Row, Row, Row.